Journey to 6G: F.J. Falcone and C.J. Bernardos Unveil Details about the Technological Revolution in the Podcast '6G: Towards a Hyperconnected Universe'

On the horizon of communications, the next evolution is emerging: 6G technology. More than a simple evolution, this new generation not only promises to provide virtually instantaneous Internet connectivity but also significantly surpass current transmission speeds.
Dos destacados expertos, Francisco Javier Falcone y Carlos Jesús Bernardos, catedráticos y profesores en la Universidad Pública de Navarra y la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, respectivamente, comparten su experiencia y conocimientos en el podcast «6G: Towards a Hyperconnected Universe.«. Abordando preguntas estratégicas, exploran las incertidumbres inherentes a la evolución de la red 6G.
This innovative technology not only signifies ultra-fast connectivity but also opens the door to the possibility of achieving hyperconnection on a global scale. 6G promises to transform our way of living, working, and communicating, surpassing current speed limitations and paving the way for a more interconnected society with opportunities and applications yet unimaginable.
The podcast breaks down the objectives and advantages of 6G technology, whose implementation is estimated around the year 2030. Falcone details revolutionary applications, emphasizing the importance of a human-centered network. Additionally, the need for regulation that provides ethical and legal security in ethical and moral issues related to the use of artificial intelligence is underscored.
Falcone also highlights the new features of the 6G network, emphasizing its advancements in energy efficiency and addressing crucial questions about Europe's role in this technological development and the next steps to take.
Meanwhile, Carlos Jesús Bernardos explores the role of Carlos III University and collaborating companies in the 6G-DATADRIVEN project. This project aims to optimize the performance of applications and communications through the use of data and artificial intelligence technologies. Bernardos highlights the national and international advantages, such as lower energy consumption and greater sustainability.
The professor delves into the future of telecommunications within the project, detailing the steps to follow in the current development phase, which is in the design of solutions and mechanisms for specific problems. Additionally, Bernardos points out the differences between 5G and 6G, highlighting the constant evolution in the network. The coexistence of mobile generations and the addition of advantages are key elements, and the complete deployment of the 6G network is expected by 2030.
We are facing an exciting horizon that redefines the future of global connectivity.