Presentation of the 6G-IA Vision WG White Paper: European Vision for the 6G Network Ecosystem

Today, November 25, 2024, the new white paper webinar el nuevo whitepaper de la 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA), titulado «EUROPEAN VISION for the 6G NETWORK ECOSYSTEM». Este informe estratégico ofrece una perspectiva europea sobre el desarrollo del ecosistema de redes 6G, abordando avances tecnológicos clave y los retos sociales, medioambientales y económicos que marcarán esta nueva etapa en las comunicaciones móviles.
Professor Carlos J. Bernardos, coordinator of the 6G-DATADRIVEN project, played a significant role as co-editor of the white paper and also participated as a speaker during the opening and closing sessions of the webinar, alongside other renowned experts in the field.
The document highlights the importance of building a unified global vision for 6G networks, led by major international stakeholders. The European perspective emphasizes the commitment to research, development, and standardization of these networks, including innovations such as native artificial intelligence integration, integrated sensing and communications (ISAC), and a focus on sustainability both in infrastructure and in applications for key sectors like healthcare and transportation.
The full white paper is now available for consultation here, and the webinar recording will soon be accessible on the official 6G-IA website.