Participation of Prof. Carlos Jesús Bernardos in the "Workshop 8: Architectural Considerations Enabling the IMT 2030 Framework by European 6G R&D Activities" at EuCNC 2024

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Participation of Prof. Carlos Jesús Bernardos in the "Workshop 8: Architectural Considerations Enabling the IMT 2030 Framework by European 6G R&D Activities" at EuCNC 2024

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Carlos Jesús Bernardos participated as a panelist in "Workshop 8: Architectural Considerations Enabling the IMT 2030 Framework by European 6G R&D Activities," held during the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) from June 3 to 6, 2024, in Antwerp, Belgium.

The workshop was organized by a distinguished group of telecommunications experts, consisting of: Sebastian Robitzsch (InterDigital Europe Ltd); Ömer Bulakci (Nokia); Xi Li (NEC Laboratories Europe, DE); Marco Gramaglia (Univ. Carlos III de Madrid, ES); Anastasius Gavras (Eurescom); and Agapi Mesodiakaki (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, GR).

The workshop was structured around the six IMT 2030 usage scenarios established by ITU-R, complemented by four overarching aspects: sustainability, connecting the unconnected, ubiquitous intelligence, and security/resilience. Each IMT usage scenario was addressed through consolidated presentations from multiple relevant projects of the 6G Architecture Working Group. The workshop's Technical Committee carefully evaluated and refined the presentations to ensure they addressed one or more overarching aspects of the IMT 2030 framework.

Prof. Carlos Jesús Bernardos' participation in this event highlights his ongoing commitment and leadership in the research and development of advanced communication technologies, significantly contributing to the formation of standards and innovative solutions for the future of telecommunications.