6G-SORUS | Publicaciones

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Los siguientes artículos, los cuales incluyen un reconocimiento oficial al proyecto integrado 6G-SORUS, han sido aceptados para su publicación:

Título Autores Evento / Editor Fecha
Performance Trade-offs of Auto Scaling Schemes for NFV with Reliability Requirements J.Perez-Valero, J.Garcia-Reinoso, A.Banchs, P.Serrano, J.Ortin, X.Costa-Perez Computer Communications Octubre 2023
Network Automation and Data Analytics in 3GPP 5G Systems M.A. García-Martín, M. Gramaglia, P. Serrano IEEE Network Octubre 2023
Energy-Aware Adaptive Scaling of Server Farms for NFV with Reliability Requirements J.Perez-Valero, A.Banchs, P.Serrano, J.Ortin, J.Garcia-Reinoso, X.Costa-Perez IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Junio 2023
Design and Validation of an Open Source Cloud Native Mobile Network Nikolaos Apostolakis, Marco Gramaglia, Pablo Serrano IEEE Communications Magazine Septiembre 2022
EdgeBOL: A Bayesian Learning Approach for the Joint Orchestration of vRANs and Mobile Edge AI J. A. Ayala-Romero, A. Garcia-Saavedra, X. Costa-Perez, G. Iosifidis IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Abril 2023
Data-driven Analysis of the Cost-Performance Trade-off of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in a Production Network M. Rossanese, A. Garcia-Saavedra, A. Elena Lutu, X. Costa-Perez ACM CoNEXT Noviembre 2023
Mean-Field Multi-Agent Contextual Bandit for Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in vRANs Jose A. Ayala-Romero, L. Lo Schiavo, A. Garcia-Saavedra, X. Costa-Perez IEEE INFOCOM 2024 (por publicar)
ATELIER: service tailored and limited-trust network analytics using cooperative learning Mattia Milani, Dario Bega, Marco Gramaglia, Pablo Serrano, Christian Mannweiler IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society Enero 2024
Can I Add a VR Flow? On the Maximum Capacity of 5G to Support 360º Video Pablo Serrano, Antonio Virdis, Francesco Gringoli, Marco Gramaglia IEEE Communications Magazine (Volume: 62, Issue: 8) Agosto 2024
ARES: Autonomous RIS solution with Energy harvesting and Self-configuration towards 6G Francesco Devoti, Antonio Albanese, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Marco Di renzo, Albert Banchs, Xavier Costa IEEE Transactions on Mobile  Computing 2024 (por publicar)
Through the Telco Lens: A Countrywide Empirical Study of Cellular Handovers IMC Agosto 2024
Sustainable Provision of URLLC Services for V2N: Analysis and Optimal Configuration Livia Elena Chatzieleftheriou (IMDEA Networks); Jesús Pérez-Valero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid); Jorge Martín-Pérez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid); Pablo Serrano (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) 25th International
Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for
Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (MobiHoc 2024)
Agosto 2024
Multi-channel factor analysis: Identifiability and asymptotics G. Stanton, D. Ramírez, I. Santamaria, L. L. Scharf, H Wang IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (Vol. 72, pp. 3562 – 3577) Julio 2024
A Bayesian approach for passive radar detection D. Ramírez, I. Santamaría, L. L. Scharf, J. Míguez The Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Octubre 2024
Passive detection with a multi-rank beamformer of a random signal common to two sensors D. Ramírez, I. Santamaría, L. L. Scharf The Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Octubre 2024