Los siguientes artículos, los cuales incluyen un reconocimiento oficial al proyecto integrado 6G-DATADRIVEN, han sido aceptados para su publicación:
- P Picazo-Martínez, C Barroso-Fernández, J Martín-Pérez, M Groshev, A de la Oliva (IEEE Communications Magazine), “IEEE 802.11az Indoor Positioning with mmWave”
- C Barroso-Fernández, J Martín-Pérez, C. Ayimba, A de la Oliva (ACM MobiHoc’23), “Aligning rTWT and 802.1Qbv: a Network Calculus Approach”
- A Zahir, M Groshev, K Antevski, CJ Bernardos, C Ayimba, A de la Oliva (International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN24)), “Performance evaluation of Private and Public Blockchains for multi-cloud service federation”.
- Bernardos Cano, Carlos Jesús; Mourad, Alain; Groshev, Milan; Contreras, Luis M.; Mollà Roselló, Marc; Bularca, Otilia; Frascolla, Valerio; Szilagyi, Peter; Robitzsch, Sebastian (ACM Mobihoc’23), “Using RAW as Control Plane for Wireless Deterministic Networks: Challenges Ahead”
- Kiril Antevski, Carlos J. Bernardos (Elsevier Computer Networks), “Applying Blockchain consensus mechanisms to Network Service Federation: Analysis and performance evaluation”
- Cyril Shih-Huan Hsu, Jorge Martín-Pérez, Chrysa Papagianni, Paola Grosso (IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium), “V2N Service Scaling with Deep Reinforcement Learning”
- Pablo Picazo-Martinez, Carlos Barroso-Fernández, Jorge Martín-Perez, “Demo: FoReCo – a forecast-based recovery mechanism for real-time remote control of robotic manipulators”
- Khasa Gillani, Jorge Martín Pérez, Milan Groshev, Antonio de la Oliva, Robert Gazda (2023 IEEE 9th International Conference on Network Softwarization), “Don’t Let Me Down! Offloading Robot VFs Up to the Cloud”
- Milan Groshev, Javier Sacido, and Jorge Martín-Pérez. 2022. FoReCo: a forecast-based recovery mechanism for real-time remote control of robotic manipulators. In Proceedings of the SIGCOMM ’22 Poster and Demo Sessions (SIGCOMM ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 7–9
- Milan Groshev, Jorge Martín-Pérez, Carlos Guimarães, Antonio de la Oliva, Carlos J. Bernardos. 2022. FoReCo: A Forecast-Based Recovery Mechanism for Real-Time Remote Control of Robotic Manipulators. Accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Network Management.
- J. Martin-Perez, N. Molner, F. Malandrino, C. J. Bernardos, A. d. l. Oliva and D. Gomez-Barquero, «Choose, not Hoard: Information-to-Model Matching for Artificial Intelligence in O-RAN,» in IEEE Communications Magazine
- Milan Groshev, Gabriele Baldoni, Luca Cominardi, Antonio de la Oliva, Robert Gazda. Edge robotics: are we ready? An experimental evaluation of current vision and future directions, Digital Communications and Networks, 2022, ISSN 2352-8648